About G&G

I have been a musician and golfer for as long as I can remember. Whether playing in a band or squeezing in a round of golf. As time moved on, I found myself managing musical instrument stores while playing golf all around the US. Then, something amazing happened… my daughter was born. I still loved my "hobbies", but I had a new favorite thing: fatherhood. She has grown into a smart, driven young woman, and I couldn't be more proud. She has always been supportive of my passions in life. As a single father, this means a lot. Once she got older, I enjoyed my newfound free time by, you guessed it, playing guitar and playing golf. Nothing beats the feeling of finally nailing that song you've been working on or, hitting that perfect golf shot. I simply love to play. Both are difficult and humbling activities, but with a little determination, and guidance, they can be life changing. So, with your encouragement and support, I am dedicated to help others find this joy in life. At Guitars and Golf, our vision is to empower our customers and friends to live their best lives by providing them with the guidance & products they desire, to change their lives for the better. We believe that everyone deserves to Play Today!

 Whether you love to play or want to play. From new/used equipment to apparel. Not to mention, sponsored events giving back to the community and those in need. I'd like to introduce you to my second child. 


 This is Guitars and Golf. 

It's time to play.
